July 2022 Release Notes
  • 30 May 2023
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July 2022 Release Notes

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Resumen del artículo

Enhanced Advanced Search Functionality 

The Advanced Search modal has undergone extensive enhancements to improve your experience viewing and managing your Advanced Search lists. Below is a list showcasing newly improved advanced search functionalities: 

  • If you are a user with permission enabled to Edit Access to Advanced Search Lists, you can share your Advanced Search Lists with other users and grant or revoke the option to allow that user to View or Edit the Advanced Search list you chose to Share With them. 
    • If you are a system administrator, you can share your Advanced Search lists and grant and revoke the option to allow Users and User Roles to View or Edit your advanced search lists.
    •  Non-system-administrators can not Share or manage access to Advanced Search Lists with User Roles
  • To navigate the Advanced Search Save As modal, click on the More menu in the upper right corner of a search list screen and select Save As

  • You can now confirm that the search lists you are in the progress of configuring can be saved before you navigate away from a screen. If you are in the Display, Filter, Sort, Advanced Search Save As, or Group modal, it will not be closed until you select the option to Cancel or Apply changes.  
  •     You can now make the choice between only exporting the advanced search columns that are currently in view on your screen or exporting all fields to Excel. Whereas before, you could only export all fields to Excel. To carry out this action, click on the More menu on the search list screen of a module and select the Export option that suits your expectations. 
  •    Search lists will now be organized and appear under four groups: My Default, Created by Me, Shared With Me, and System. When you use the search field, you will see that the results will appear organized under these four groups. 

Enhanced Activities Functionality 

To increase the overall usability of the Activities modal, the following enhancements have been added: 

    • Instead of only having the ability to add a New Appointment or New Task within the New Activity section of the details screen for the Properties and Opportunities module, you will now see the additional availability to create a New Issue or a New Email as well. This way, you can remain on a details screen to carry out and save all actions before leaving the screen. 

  • Within Activities, you can now CopyTask or an Issue to use as a template within the New Task or New Issue modal. To carry out this action, navigate to New Task or New Issue under the Quick Menu and select Create a Copy option. Then, click Save or Complete, and you should see newly created tasks that contain the same information provided within the template you copied.
  • In lieu of navigating to the More Activities menu to AddNew Milestone, you can do so from an Opportunity by going to the More Activities menu on the Opportunity details screen and selecting New Milestone.

  • You can now add a New Contact or Property to a Company directly from the Company details screen. You can do this by first going to the Properties module and then clicking on the Company tab. Select a Company from the search list and click on the New button right above the Contacts or Properties section of the screen.
  • Within In the New Milestone modal, the Regarding field is restricted to Work Tickets and Opportunities to prevent the case of a Milestone being assigned to a Property

    • When you are creating a new appointment, you will find that the location will list the associated address in the regarding field when you are in the Quick Menu or one of the following modules: 

  1. Property
  2. Opportunity  
  3. Work Ticket 

    • In the Service details screen on the Estimate screen, you will see a warning prompting you to save any unsaved changes if you try to navigate outside of this screen.

Attachment Enhancements

The Attachments modal has undergone extensive enhancements that lend an increased user-friendly experience for you as an Aspire user when managing and viewing attachments. When you navigate to the Attachments modal, you will observe the following new functionality: 

  • The Opportunity or Property name will be displayed within the attachment modal.

  • So that you can initiate advanced searches that are more granular and precise within the Attachments modal, you will now have the following new additional Advanced Search options available within the Attachments modal: 

        ○ Filter and Sort columns

        ○ A Search field

        ○ The option to DeleteDownloadExpose to Crew, or Attach to Invoice(Opportunities only) for more than one attachment item simultaneously by navigating to the Bulk Actions menu within the attachments modal.

 • When creating a New EmailNew Task, or a New Issue, your attachment search results will be filtered by most to least relevant given the Regarding category most associated with the attachment search. For example, if the regarding category is a Work Ticket, the first search result would be an attachment from the Work ticket, and the last search result would be an attachment from a task associated with that Work Ticket. You can see all search results by ensuring the Regarding field is blank. 

   • For the details screen for the following modules: EquipmentPurchasesWork Tickets, and Properties, you can now upload and save multiple attachments without leaving the details screen. This can be done by clicking the new Save icon in the details screen's Attachments section. The maximum amount of attachments that can be saved is 10. 

 • You can see an enlarged preview of the attached images. If you select the option to preview a Word, Excel, or PDF file, you will see an image of the file-type logo. The option to close the preview will be located in the right corner of the preview window. 

   • When you navigate the Attachments modal from the PropertyWork Ticket, or Opportunity module, your attachment search results will automatically appear in order of relevance to the search item. For example,  if you search for an attachment from the Work Ticket details screen, the first search you will see is relevant to the Work Ticket, and the last search result would be an attachment for an Appointment tied to the Work Ticket

  • The search fields you designate within the Attachment modal for one module will not be retained or carried out for another. All search parameters will be cleared.
  • Users can now utilize the Search field and the options to FilterSort, and Display information to carry out a Quick Search within the Attachments modal.

Manage Site Audit Tags

The Site Audit Photo Tags workflow has been improved to increase the usefulness and efficiency of tag management. The Tags field is no longer inactive, and you can use this field to add, edit, and remove tags for an image directly from the Photo Editor screen by placing your mouse within the field to activate your cursor so that you can type out your photo tags. 

To add a tag to an image from a desktop, you can type out the tag and press Enter or Return on your keyboard. If you are using a mobile device, you can add tags by clicking the plus icon to the right of the Tags field. After adding the tag, you will notice a pencil icon appear to the right of the tag. Click on this icon to modify or remove the tag.

By clicking the pencil icon, you will open the Photo Tags modal (previously called Category Tags). Within this modal, click on the pencil icon to edit a tag and the x icon to remove the Tag. After modifying or removing a Tag, click on Update or press the Enter or Return key to save your changes. The Tags field can contain up to 750 characters for custom and pre-defined tags.

New Work Ticket Bulk Action 

If you are an Aspire user with the following permissions:

  • Complete Work Ticket


  • Full Access to Schedule Board 


  • Read-only Access to Schedule Board 

You can now mark multiple work tickets as uncomplete by clicking Uncomplete in the Bulk Actions menu. This enables you to swiftly update work tickets previously marked as Complete without individually marking each work ticket as uncomplete. 

By selecting this bulk action option, work tickets containing visits will revert back to Scheduled status; if no visits are associated with the work ticket, it will revert to Open status.


You can now navigate to a work ticket associated with a purchase receipt without navigating away from the Purchase Receipts Details screen. To do so, you must first navigate the Purchasing module and click the Purchase Receipts tab. You will then notice that the previously read-only Ticket field now contains a hyperlink to the work ticket associated with the purchase receipt. After you click the hyperlink, it will open a new tab for the work ticket so that you do not have to navigate away from the purchase receipts details screen. 

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AI Search, que facilita el descubrimiento de conocimiento a través de la inteligencia conversacional