Limitations on Changing Invoiced Values
- 25 Jan 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
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Limitations on Changing Invoiced Values
- Actualizado en 25 Jan 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
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The following example helps to explain the limitations placed on editing the Master Schedule of Values due to items having been invoiced:
The following items describe editing limitations for the Master Schedule of Values.
- For this work order, an invoice has been sent to the customer for 3 out of 6 (50%) of the lights that are being installed on the property.
- Since the Light Installation schedule of value item is partially invoiced, the name “Light Installation”, the Unit Price field, and the icon to delete the line is also disabled.
- The “Hardgoods Enhancement” name is disabled because you are not permitted to change the name of line items that are linked to the service.
- The “Planting Enhancement – Per Plant” name and its Unit Price can still be modified because that item has not been invoiced, and it is not linked to the service.
- The quantity for a line item cannot be reduced below the quantity that has been invoiced. In the following example, we changed the quantity of “6” for lighting installation to “2”, but 3 have already been invoiced, “2” is invalid and the field turns red.
- When we changed the quantity above, the Total value for the line item was updated to reflect the new Quantity multiplied by the Unit Price. Additionally, the Total Difference $ value was updated to reflect the removal of the four items.
- The changes to the Master Schedule of Values cannot be saved until the Total Difference $j value is zero ($0).
- The changes to the Master Schedule of Values cannot be saved if any of the fields are displayed in red
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