Notification Settings - Manage Notifications
  • 15 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Notification Settings - Manage Notifications

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Resumen del artículo

Notifications Search List Screen

Manage and create new notifications from this screen.


Notable Information
1. Search for an existing notification. 
2. Advanced Search functions (filter, display, sort, and group information) are now located on the same screen.
image.png3. Navigate to the Bulk Actions menu to Activate or Deactivate one or more notifications simultaneously. 
4. Add a New notification.
5. The following options can be accessed under the More menu: Save As My Default, Reset Advanced Search, Print Screen, Export to Excel (Current View), Export to Excell (All View).

Notifications Details Screen

Manage existing notifications from the details screen by clicking on the notification that requires adjustment.


Notable Information
1. Activate and Deactivate notifications.
2. Enter the Notification Name.
3. This field describes the way the message will be received. It is a read-only field because currently, only email is a Notification Method
4. Designate the applicable branches to the notification.
5. Designate the divisions applicable to the notification.
6. Designate the service types applicable to the notification. 
7. Designate the services applicable to the notification. 
8. Currently, only Work Ticket Complete is the available Notification Type
9. Use the Trigger Type to designate how often the notification should be sent out to one of the following statuses: Immediate, Daily Digest, or Weekly Digest.
10. Delivery Time format will vary depending on the delivery frequency of notifications -  daily digest specify the time that notifications are sent and weekly digest specify the weekday and time that the notifications are scheduled to go out. 
11. Specify the delivery time details
12. Send out a Test notification. 
13. Save modifications using the Save button at the top of the screen. 
14. Copy the details of the notification to use as a base for a new notification by going to the More menu and selecting Copy
15. The Email Subject should reflect the subject of the notification that the customers will receive. To the right of this field is the Token icon from which you can choose macros. 
16. The Email Header is often an introductory or greeting statement.
17. The Email Body should contain information specifying the completed work.
18. The Email Footer will generally contain a closing or a signature or both a closing and signature.

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