Property Takeoffs Screen
  • 13 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Property Takeoffs Screen

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Resumen del artículo

A takeoff represents something to be measured or counted on a property. The measure or count is then used for estimating. Takeoffs are logically grouped into takeoff groups (see Takeoff Group screen). For example, see section Takeoffs and Takeoff Groups. The whole structure of takeoff groups and associated takeoff items becomes available for adding specific takeoff values to properties to facilitate estimating jobs.  They also tie catalog items to the takeoff item relevant to estimating the cost for that catalog item. 

The Property Takeoffs screen allows you to specify specific takeoff values for a property based on the takeoff structure that was defined as explained in the prior paragraph. It is accessed by selecting Takeoffs from the Moredown-down on the Properties screen.

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