Purchasing Permissions
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutos para leer
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Purchasing Permissions

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Resumen del artículo

The following information describes the purchasing-oriented Permissions that can be assigned to user roles.

Add Purchase Credit 

Allows you to create a purchase credit memo by making the Add Purchase Receipt option available from the New icon on the Purchase Receipts Search List screen. 

Add Receipt 

Allows you to add a purchase receipt by making the New Purchase option available on the New menu in the Aspire Tool Bar or the Add Purchase Receipt option in the Add icon (+ sign) on the Purchase Receipts Search List screen. 

Approve Receipts 

Allows you to approve purchase receipts by providing the Invoice Approved option on the Options menu of the Purchase Receipt screen for displayed purchase receipts that are not already approved. 

Delete Receipt 

Allows you to delete purchase receipts by providing the Delete Receipt option on the Options menu of the Purchase Receipt screen for displayed purchase receipts that are not back-ordered and are either new or received in a month whose books have not yet been closed.

Receive Receipt

Gives you the option to receive receipts for items in the Purchasing module. 

Unapprove Receipt 

Allows you to unapprove a purchase receipt or credit once approved by providing the Unapprove or Unapprove Credit option on the Options menu of the Purchase Receipt screen for displayed purchase receipts or purchase credit that has been approved in a month whose books have not yet been closed. 

View Inventory Locations 

Gives you read-only access to the Inventory Locations Search List, Inventory Location Details, and Inventory Allocations screens. The Edit Inventory Locations permission can override this permission. 

Edit Inventory Locations 

Gives you the option to create, edit, and view information on the Inventory Locations Search List, Inventory Location Details, and Inventory Allocations screens

Edit Daily Plan Report 

Permits you to edit the daily plan report from the Purchasing module or the Work Ticket Visit details screen. 

View Purchasing

Allows you to view the Purchasing Assistant and Purchase Receipts screens from the Purchasing icon on the Aspire Navigation Bar. This permission is required for a user with System Admin or Branch Admin permission to access the Manage Inventory Locations option on the Administration screen.

Make Item Substitutions

Allows you to substitute any items assigned to the same branch and item category within the work ticket or purchasing assistant screens. To access this permission and functionality across Aspire, you must have the following permissions:

  • Properties: View Properties or View Only My Properties
  • Opportunities: View Opportunities or View Only My Opportunities
  • Work Tickets: Read Only Access to Schedule Board or Full Access to Schedule Board 
  • Purchasing: Add Receipt, (optional: View Purchasing, which allows item substitution in the Purchasing Assistant.)

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