Sales Scorecard Drilldown
  • 27 May 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • PDF

Sales Scorecard Drilldown

  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

Clicking anywhere on the chart displays a list of the monthly Sales Scorecard entries as determined by the definition of the KPI as shown below. The list can be exported to a spreadsheet for additional analysis. It can also be exported as HTML or PDF.

Creating a Sale Scorecard KPI 

  1. Go to the Dashboard, select the kebab menu of an existing KPI display, and click New.
  2. Select Sales Score Card from the KPI Type menu. 
  3. Create a KPI Name.
  4. Select a Date Range to display if you prefer. 
  5.  Select a Sales Rep from the Score Card field
  6.  Click Save

After you have created your Sales Score Card it will appear on the Dashboard screen. 

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