Service Schedule Screen
  • 08 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutos para leer
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Service Schedule Screen

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Resumen del artículo

The Service Schedule screen allows you to establish a schedule for a service to be performed on an equipment model. To define the schedule, they can specify the time between services by the number of days, number of weeks, number of months, or based on a meter reading provided on the equipment.

The Service Schedule screen is displayed when you click the Add Service Schedule icon or when you click an existing service schedule on the Equipment Model Screen. The Service Schedule screen is shown below.

The following table further explains the Equipment Model screen elements:

Screen Element


Service Schedule Type

Required. Allows you to specify whether the service frequency is determined by calendar time or based on meter readings. If they choose “Calendar”, then the second line allows you to enter Calendar Type.  If they choose “Meter”, then the second line allows you to enter a meter readingb.

Calendar Type

Required if Service Schedule Type is Calendar. Enables you to specify the unit (days, weeks, or months) and unit number by which the calendar interval between service events is determined (i.e. service every 3 months, or every 30 days, etc.) Aspire flags that service is due based on these values. Aspire limits the maximum value you can enter in this field as follows:

  • Months – max is 1,500
  • Weeks – max is 5,500
  • Days – max is 55,000

Meter Reading

Required if Service Schedule Type is Meter. Allows you to specify the number of equipment meter units that advance between service events. Aspire flags that service is due based on these values.

Service Tag

Required. Enables you to select a service tag that determines the type of service the schedule defines. Service tags are defined from the Service Tag Search List screen.

Service Cost

Required. Enter the expected cost for each occurrence of the selected service. This value provides a default when a service log entry is created from the Equipment screen.

Service Hours

Required. Enter the typical time required to perform the selected service. This value provides a default when a service log entry is created from the Equipment screen.

recurring Checkbox

When this checkbox is checked, Aspire will flag the service as due each time the designated interval has elapsed. If the checkbox is not checked, then it is a one-time service – once the service is performed, it will not come due again.

Active Checkbox

Determines whether the service is available for logging to the service log from the Equipment screen. Typically, this checkbox will be checked, but it allows you to disable the service if they choose to.

Delete Icon 

The Delete icon is only enabled when the service has not been assigned to a piece of equipment.  Once it has been applied, the model cannot be deleted. Clicking this icon when it is enabled (red), deletes the service schedule.  If the icon is disabled (gray as shown above), hovering over the icon provides an explanation of why the model cannot be deleted, and clicking it will have no effect.

Save Icon 

Clicking this icon saves the service schedule and returns you to the Model screen.

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