Setting up Crew Members for Mobile Time Entry
  • 29 May 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Setting up Crew Members for Mobile Time Entry

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Resumen del artículo

To set up a crew member for the use of the Crew Mobile app in the field, you will need to do the following:

Create Employee Contact Record

For new crew members, you must create a new contact record that identifies them. Create new contact records from the Contact screen. When creating a contact record for employees, note the following:

  1. From the Contacts screen:
    • Contact Type must be set to Employee from the ContactType drop-down menu.
  2. In Admin, from the Payroll tab of a Contact:
    • Assign a pay schedule that determines Aspire’s behavior related to paying regular time vs. overtime each week.
    • Assign a PIN that allows them to quickly access the system from an authorized device without providing a username and password. For crew members who are not crew leaders, this is the only way they will access the system for clocking in and out; they are not required to have a user account.
    • Assign an Employee Number that must match the employee number in the payroll system.
    • If the company uses QuickBooks as the payroll system, assign the employee-specific Accounting Sync ID established in QuickBooks.
    • Establish a pay rate that determines how much the employee will be paid.

Establishing Accounts and Permissions

Crew leaders must be set up in Aspire with a user account having Crew Leader permission which gives them full access to all Crew Mobile App capabilities, including starting and stopping jobs, allocating materials, adding notes to jobs, and more. Other crew members can be set up with PIN-only access which requires an Aspire contact but not a user account. Users set up in this manner can only clock in and out.

Crew Mobile App Setup on Mobile Device

The Crew Mobile App can be downloaded from the Apple App Store for iOS devices or the Google Play store for Android devices.

The article, Crew Mobile Getting Started, explains how to configure and set up new mobile devices.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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