Submittal Details screen
  • 19 Dec 2024
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Submittal Details screen

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Resumen del artículo

The Submittal Details screen provides a detailed view of the submittal history, attached documents, and available actions for the opportunity.

To access the Submittal Details screen, go to the Submittals List subtab within a specific opportunity where submittals are enabled. Alternatively, access it from the Submittal Projects - Projects subtab.

Screen capture of the Submittal Details screen.

The screen elements of the Submittal Details screen are described below:

Screen elementDescription
Submittal NameRequired. The name of the submittal. The name should be descriptive to easily identify the submittal within the project.

Required. Opportunity associated with the submittal. 

If you access the New Submittal screen from the Submittals tab of a specific opportunity, the Opportunity field will automatically populate with the name of the current opportunity.


Required. Property associated with the opportunity and submittal. 

If you access the New Submittal screen from the Submittals tab of a specific opportunity, the Property field will auto-populate with the property name linked to the opportunity.

Project Phase

Use the drop-down to specify the current phase of the project associated with the submittal. The project phase helps track the progress and relevance of the submittal within the overall project timeline.


Enter the monetary value associated with the submittal. This field is useful for tracking costs or price changes related to the submittal.

Due DateSet the deadline for the submittal in this field. The due date ensures that all parties are aware of the timeframe for review and response.
Once the due date is set, it cannot be changed later in the project.
AttachmentsUse this field to upload any relevant files or documents related to the submittal. Attachments provide supporting information and are crucial for the review process. For more information, see the Manage Attachments.
DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the submittal. Use this field to provide the context, specifications, or any additional information necessary for the review.
Response NotesCaptures the Collaboration Portal user's decision on a submittal with predefined options: Approve, Approve as Noted, Revise and Resubmit, or Reject. Use this field to document feedback or instructions accompanying the selected response.

Recipient Name

Displays the individual or organization designated to receive and review the submittal. The list is filtered to show only users who have submittals enabled on their contact page and are assigned as a submittal contact for the property. For more information, see the Submittals section in the Property Contacts List article and the Submittals Portal Access section in the Contacts screen article.

Recipient Email

The email address of the recipient. This field automatically populates when you select a name from the Recipient Name dropdown.

Submittal History

This section displays a timeline of all actions taken on the submittal. It includes user and date-stamped activities, such as when the submittal was created, modified, sent, or reviewed. The history ensures transparency and provides a complete audit trail.

You can drill into the Submittal History and view versioning for the submittal timeline. 

ExitSelect this button to discard any unsaved changes and exit the New Submittal screen without saving.

Save as Draft

This option allows you to save the submittal in a draft state. The draft can be revisited and edited before sending it to the recipient. Saving as a draft is useful when you need more time to complete the submittal details.

Save and Send

Select this option to save the submittal and immediately send it to the designated recipients. Notifications are sent via email to alert them of the new submittal. This action marks the submittal as submitted and triggers any workflows associated with its review and approval.
After sending, the submittal is locked, and you cannot make changes.
More actions menu 

To record a submittal response:

  1. Select the three-dot menu and choose Record Response
  2. The Response Notes field displays, allowing you to provide feedback or instructions.
  3. The menu expands to display predefined response options: 
    1. Approve 
    2. Reject
  4. Use the Response Notes field to document specific details or instructions related to the selected response.

If the submittal lacks a due date or the due date has passed, Aspire users can record an Approved or Rejected response for Collaboration Portal clients. In this scenario:

  • You can add attachments and add notes in the Response Notes field.
  • All other submittal fields, such as status and details, become locked and view-only, ensuring the final feedback is properly documented.

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