6.22.1 Submittals overview
  • 21 Jan 2025
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6.22.1 Submittals overview

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6.22.1 Submittals overview

Getting Started with Submittals in Aspire

This guide provides an overview of the key steps to get started with the Submittals feature in Aspire. Submittals are documents exchanged during a construction project, such as requests for information, change orders, and compliance-related documents. The guide covers everything from setting up user roles and permissions to creating and managing submittals in both the web app and the Collaboration Portal.

1. Set up user permissions

Before getting started, ensure you have the appropriate permissions to create, view, and manage submittals.

Steps to assign permissions:

  1. Go to Admin> User Management > User Roles.
  2. Assign one or more of the following submittal-related permissions:
    1. Select/Deselect All: Quickly select or deselect permission options for users.
    2. Edit Submittals: Create and update submittals, attach files, and change submittal statuses.
    3. View All Submittals: View all submittals and download attachments without the ability to modify them.

2. Assign submittal contacts for a property

To send submittals, first assign contacts to a property.

Steps to assign a contact:

  1. Go to the Property Details screen.

  2. In the Contacts section, select New, then Add Existing Contact from the dropdown.

  3. Check the Submittals checkbox.

  4. Verify the contact’s email address.

  5. Select Save.


Ensure the contact is granted portal access on their details page to receive submittals.

3. Enable submittal portal access for a contact

  1. Go to the Contact Details screen.

  2. Select the Send Invite button under the Submittal Portal Access section.

    1. The field will update to confirm that submittals are enabled.

    2. The contact will receive an email to set up their Collaboration Portal account.


Before a contact can receive submittals, ensure they are also assigned as a Submittal Contact at the property level.

4. Enable submittals for an opportunity

Submittals can be enabled for both Work Orders and Contract opportunities.

Steps to enable submittals:

  1. Go to the Opportunity Details screen.

  2. Select the Enable Submittals for this opportunity button.

  3. Confirm the action in the modal


    Enabling submittals for an opportunity cannot be undone.

  4. After refreshing, the Submittals subtab will appear, showing all submittals associated with that opportunity.

5. Create a new submittal

You can create a submittal from the Submittal Projects tab or Submittals subtab.

Steps to create a new submittal:

  1. From the Submittal Projects tab or Submittals subtab, select the New Submittal button.

  2. Complete the submittal form with relevant details and upload attachments.

  3. Select the recipient. The email is auto-populated. 


    Only contacts with portal access and assigned as submittal contacts for the current property will be available.

  4. Choose Save to save as a draft or Send to send the submittal.


Once sent, submittals cannot be edited.

6. Track submittal status

Submittals go through a lifecycle that includes sending, reviewing, and responding.

Steps to monitor submittal status:

  1. Go to the Submittal Details screen and reference the Submittal History section. Once a submittal is sent, it will be marked as Submitted.

  2. The recipient will receive an email notification with a link to the portal to review the submittal.

  3. The recipient can either Approve or Reject the submittal, which will change the status and close out the submittal.

7. Manage pending and unassigned submittals

When a portal user sends a submittal, it must be assigned to an opportunity. You’ll receive a Submittals Pending notification when action is required.

Steps to assign a submittal:

  1. In the Opportunities module, go to the Submittal Projects tab, or select the Submittals Pending alert from your notification center.

  2. Under Action Needed, find unassigned submittals.

  3. Click the three-dot menu and select Assign Submittal.

  4. Choose the correct opportunity and click Save.


If the selected opportunity is not a current submittal project, submittals will automatically be enabled.

8. Respond to submittals

You can approve or reject received submittals directly from the Submittal Details screen.

Steps to respond:

  1. Open the submittal’s details page.

  2. View or download any attachments.

  3. Select the three-dot menu and select Approve or Reject. The status will change, and the submittal will be closed.

9. Record a response for the portal user

If a submittal has not been responded to, you can record a response, even if there is no due date or the due date has passed.

Steps to record a response:

  1. Open the submittal.

  2. Select the three-dot menu and select Record Response.

  3. Add any notes or attachments as needed.

  4. Select Approve or Reject from the three-dot menu.

10. Collaboration Portal access

An Aspire user must first invite a portal user to gain access.

Steps to grant portal access:

  1. Go to the Contact Details screen.

  2. Select the Send Invite button to grant Collaboration Portal access.

  3. The contact will receive an email to set up their account.

A contact must also be assigned as a Submittal Contact for the property to receive submittals.

Collaboration Portal

Portal users can access and manage submittals in the Collaboration Portal.

Setting up a Portal account

After an Aspire user sends an invitation to a contact to access the portal, the recipient completes account setup by following these steps:

  1. Look for an invitation email from Aspire with a link to set up the account.

  2. Select the link in the email. The link opens the portal’s account setup page.

  3. Create and confirm a secure password to complete your account setup.

  4. Log into the Collaboration Portal with the registered email address and newly created password. 

Receiving a new submittal notification

When an Aspire user sends a submittal, the portal user is notified via email. 

  1. Check the inbox for a submittal notification. The subject line indicates that a new submittal has been shared.

  2. Review the email details. The notification will include key submittal details and a direct link to the portal.

  3. Select the link in the email. The link directs the portal user to view the new submittal.

Viewing submittal details and attachments

To review the submittal details and any associated documents:

  1. Log into the Collaboration Portal. 

  2. Open the main Submittals list. The user will see a list of all submittals shared with them.

  3. Select any submittal to view its details. The submittal includes descriptions, due dates, and other relevant information.

  4. Download attachments as needed. Any associated files are available for download from the submittal details page.

Creating a new submittal in the portal

Portal users can initiate new submittals directly from the Collaboration Portal. 

  1. Go to the main Submittals list. 

  2. Select the option to create a new submittal. This opens a form for the user to complete.

  3. Fill out the submittal form. Include all required details, such as descriptions, notes, and any necessary attachments.

    1. Choose one of the following options:

      • Save as Draft to return and edit the submittal later.

      • Send to Contractor if the submittal is ready to be shared.

  4. Verify the new submittal appears in the main list. The submittal Status updates to Submitted once it's been sent successfully.


Once a submittal is sent, it cannot be edited.

For more information on the Submittals modules, see the following articles in the Aspire User Guide:

For more information on the Collaboration Portal, refer to the Collaboration Portal overview for Aspire Users and process documentation for portal clients.

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