- 22 May 2024
- 4 Minutos para leer
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Work Ticket Cancellation
- Actualizado en 22 May 2024
- 4 Minutos para leer
- Impresión
6.19.0 Work Ticket Cancellation Guide
What’s New?
As a user with system admin permission, you can take more steps to track and manage work tickets canceled individually and in bulk by choosing to require a cancellation reason. This will give you more insight and help you improve work ticket workflows.
You must meet these requirements to use this feature:
- You must have System Admin Permission to activate this feature and to create and manage work ticket cancelation reasons.
- You must have the Cancel Work Ticket Permission permission to view the option to cancel a work ticket.
Create Work Ticket Canceled Reasons
Before switching this feature on, you will first need to have at least one active Work Ticket Canceled Reason created by taking these steps:
- Go to System Settings > Administration.
- Select Application.
- Click on Lists.
- Choose Work Ticket Canceled Reason from the menu.
- Select New to create a new reason or choose an existing reason requiring changes.
- Add a new reason or modify an existing one and click Save.
Keep in mind
- On the Work Ticket Canceled Reason details page, you can enter a reason between 1 and 50 characters in the required Reason field.
- By default, the active toggle will be switched off. Be sure to switch it on before saving.
- You can delete Work Ticket Canceled Reasons that are not in use or active.
- Once created and checked as active, the Work Ticket Cancelation Reason will appear in the Canceled Reason menu that appears after selecting the option to cancel a work ticket by navigating to the following pages:
- Work Ticket details page: Work Ticket > Work Ticket details page > three-dots menu > Cancel
- Opportunity - Work Ticket details page: Opportunities > Opportunity details page > Opportunity Work Tickets > Work Ticket details page > three-dots menu > Cancel
- Work Tickets: Work Tickets > Bulk Action > Cancel
- Opportunities Work Tickets: Opportunities > Opportunity Work Tickets > Bulk Actions > Cancel
All created work ticket canceled reasons can be managed from the search list page. You can filter, sort, display, and group by Reason, Status, and the In-Use fields. Like with most search lists in Aspire, you can save, print, export, and customize your search lists using the following options: Save As, My Default, Reset Advanced Search, Print Screen, Export to Excel (Current View), and Export to Excel (All Fields).
The In-Use column displays a checkmark next to the canceled reason when the reason has been selected for use, whether the reason is active or inactive.
Activate Application Setting
As a system admin, you must check Require Reason for Work Ticket Cancellation to ensure all users provide a cancellation reason before a work ticket cancellation is confirmed.
***Before activating this feature, you must have at least one active Work Ticket Canceled Reason saved. This feature will automatically deactivate if no active ticket canceled reasons are available due to deletion or tickets being marked inactive.
Take these steps to activate this feature:
- Go to System Settings > Administration.
- Click Configuration.
- Choose Application.
- Select Require Reason for Work Ticket Cancelation.
- Save.
Keep in Mind
If there are no existing active work ticket canceled reasons within the admin list, this configuration will automatically be unchecked.
Cancel a Work Ticket
Once the feature is on, all users with the Cancel Work Ticket permission can cancel work tickets individually and in bulk. The information below outlines how to quickly cancel work tickets with different invoice types and how to cancel work tickets in bulk.
Contract Fixed Invoice Type
You can cancel contract fixed invoice type work tickets in an Open or Scheduled status by selecting Cancel from the three-dots menu by taking these steps:
- Go to the Work Tickets details page.
- Select the three-dots menu.
- Choose Cancel.
- Update Payment Schedule if needed.
- Select a Cancel Reason.
- Save.
- All grayed-out dialog sections are informative, read-only fields that can not be changed.
- All grayed-out dialog sections are informative, read-only fields that can not be changed.
Keep in Mind
- The user interface for the Payment Schedule page has been updated to improve your overall experience. The functionality is the same.
- You can only select Spread Evenly or Spread and Round, not both options.
- You don’t need to modify the payment schedule before saving a cancellation reason.
Contract Per Service and T&M Invoice Type
You can cancel work tickets with contract per service and T&M invoice types in an Open or Scheduled status by selecting Cancel from the three-dots menu by taking these steps:
- Go to the Work Tickets details page.
- Select the three-dots menu.
- Choose Cancel.
- Select a Cancel Reason.
- Save.
- Notice that you will see a read-only Cancel Date field that should reflect the current date that can not be changed.
Keep in mind
- The option to cancel only appears in the three-dots menu of the work ticket details page if the Cancel Work Ticket permission is assigned to your user role and the work ticket's status is Open or Scheduled.
- When you Uncancel a work ticket, the canceled reason is removed. If it is a work ticket with a fixed payment invoice type, the payment schedule will reappear, allowing you to update or leave it unchanged.
Cancel Work Tickets in Bulk
You can cancel work tickets in bulk for a specific opportunity by selecting the Bulk Actions menu and choosing Cancel from the Opportunity Work Tickets section on the Opportunity details page.
You can cancel work tickets for multiple opportunities or the same opportunity simultaneously by selecting the Bulk Actions menu from the Work Tickets search list on the Main Menu.
Before confirming, the highlighted number of select work tickets to be canceled in bulk is displayed on the Cancel Work Tickets dialog.
Keep in mind
- When canceling work tickets in bulk, you will not receive a message informing you which tickets cannot be canceled.
- You must have the Cancel Work Ticket permission assigned to your user role to view the option to Cancel.
Search Lists and Reports
The Canceled Work Ticket Reason is a search field that can be filtered, displayed, sorted, and grouped on the following search lists and reports:
- Work Ticket search list
- Opportunity Work Ticket search list
- Work Ticket Visits report
- Only active Work Ticket Canceled Reasons will appear on the report.
- You must have the View Reports and the View Drill Down Reports - Work Ticket Visits Permission to view this report. You can filter, display, sort, and group information using the Work Ticket Canceled Reason field.
- Work Tickets Audit report
- To view this report, you must have the View Reports and View Audit Report permissions assigned to your user role.