General Conditions on the Estimate Screen
  • 02 Feb 2023
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General Conditions on the Estimate Screen

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Article Summary

The Estimate screen has been updated to properly reflect general conditions added to an estimate. The values on the estimate screen are updated whenever one of the following actions occurs:

  1. you have created, updated, or deleted general conditions for the estimate.
  2. you have modified the estimate in such a way that the overall estimate hours have changed.
  3. you have modified the estimate in such a way that the hours on service have changed (i.e. a service item was moved from one service to another, an item was removed from service, etc.).

The following screenshot shows the changes to the Estimate screen to support general conditions.

Once general conditions have been added to the estimate, a summary line for the general conditions is added to the bottom of the estimate. The hyperlink in the summary line shows the name of the template that was selected to initially establish the general conditions. Clicking this hyperlink displays the General Conditions screen in the same manner as selecting Adjust General Conditions from the More drop-down menu.

The summary line also shows totals for the GC Cost and GC Price columns further described below and provides a Delete General Conditions icon that allows you to remove the general conditions from the estimate.  If the action is confirmed, the general conditions are removed, the estimate is recalculated to exclude the general conditions, and the summary line is removed from the bottom of the estimate.

Two new columns have been added to the estimate screen to display the calculations applied by the general conditions:

  1. GC Cost – The cost associated with the general conditions is distributed to the opportunity services proportionally based on the relative number of hours estimated for each one. If an opportunity service has no hours estimated for it, then none of the general condition costs will be allocated to it. (In the example above, 3.75 hours are estimated for Tree Work. The total hours estimated for the work order is 32 hours. Allocation for tree work then is 3.75 / 32 = .1178. The total general condition cost is $282. So the general condition cost for Tree Work is $282 * .1178 = $33.05)
  2. GC Price – For each service, the general conditions price is calculated by separating out the cost for the different item types (labor, materials, equipment, sub, and other) and then calculating the price based on the markup percent and profit percent specified in the pricing model for each service., or for T&M services, based on markups specified on the Service Detail screen.

The GC Price is also displayed in the Estimate Totals Summary section at the bottom of the estimate.

General Conditions for Change Orders

When a change order is created, if the opportunity type is a work order, and if the work order has general conditions, the general conditions are also applied to the estimate for the change order.

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