Landline Timekeeping
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Landline Timekeeping

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Article Summary

Landline Timekeeping

What’s New?

As an administrative user, you can integrate landline timekeeping with Aspire. Doing so will enable employees to easily clock in and out for visits using a landline phone number provided by your company. 

Once this functionality is enabled and configured, your employees can clock in and out by following the automation prompts that will follow after dialing the company-provided number located at the property from which they are working. Time entries submitted via the landline by your employees will be synced to reflect accurate time entry records within relevant sections of Aspire, such as the Schedule BoardTime Entry, Reports, etc... 


If your company is unable to use this feature, you will not see the option to configure a Phone Integration ID in the Administration menu. 


You can configure the functionality by taking the actions described below. 

Before using this feature, you must add the number that employees will call from which to clock in and out in the Clock In/Out Integration Phone Number field on the Company subsection of the Administration menu. Your company can use either a toll-free or a local number. Take the steps below to add the number your employees will call to Aspire. 

  1. Select Configuration under the Administration menu. 
  2. Click the Company subsection. 
  3. Add the 10-digit number (preceded by the number one) that will be used to map the landline system to Aspire in the Clock In/Out  Integration Phone field that your employees will dial to clock in or out. This can be any number your company provides, either local or toll-free.
    1.  Be sure to add the number 1 before entering the phone number to account for the country code. 


After adding the number your employees must call to clock in and out, you must either associate that number to the property from which the employees will be calling or add a building code to the property so the system can accurately identify the property. 

  • The phone number from which your employees will be dialing must be added to the property's phone list, and/or you will need to have a property integration ID (building code) associated with the property. 
    •  If the system can not find a phone number, the building code will be the other option that can be used so that the system can adequately identify the property the employee is at. 

Adding a phone number to the Phone List of a Property

To add the 10-digit phone number to the Phone List of the Property. Take the following steps: 

  1. Select Properties from the Main Menu
  2. Choose the desired property from the search list that will appear. 
  3. Go to the More Actions menu and select Property Phone List

  1. Select the add icon in the Property Phone List modal that will appear. 
  2. Enter the landline phone number you will be using. 
    1. Multiple phone numbers can be added to this phone list.
  3. Save your entry. 

Adding a Building Code to a Property 

If you need to associate your property Integration Code(Building Code) with a property so that the timekeeping system can recognize it, follow the following steps. 

  1. Select Properties from the Main Menu
  2. Choose the desired property from the search list that will appear
  3. Go to the More Actions menu and select Edit Property
  4. In the Integration Identifier field, enter a unique alphanumeric code. 
    1. It is recommended to create a numerical code that can be easily remembered. 
  5. Save your change.


Once the timekeeping system recognizes the employee's property location, it must identify the employee using the Employee PIN. 

  • All employees who need to use the system to clock in and out must have an active employee contact record. 

  • An Employee PIN can be set by going to the User Management section of the Administration menu. You can also do so from the contact screen of the employee. 


After the employee is recognized, the system will use route information to identify the upcoming visit they are clocking in or out of. The following information will be needed. 

  • The employee must be added as a Crew Leader or a Crew Member to the designated route. 

  • The branch associated with the route must have the correct timezone set. 
    • If the branch does not have a timezone, it will use the timezone set for the Aspire system under User Settings instead.
  • The option to clock in will only be available for employees attempting to clock in or out at a property associated with a route that has yet to schedule daily visits. 
  • The employee will be clocked into the next available scheduled visit that does not contain a clock in a record for a sequenced-based route or the visit containing a start time that is nearest to the clock in time if it is a visit on a time-based route.

Employee Clock In and Out Flowchart 

This flowchart outlines the clock in/out process from an employee's perspective. 

  • After the first prompt, select #2 to hear prompts en español. 
  • After entering your employee PIN, dial #.

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