Manage Work Ticket Items screen
  • 25 Jan 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Manage Work Ticket Items screen

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Article summary

The Manage Work Ticket Items screen in Aspire offers three tabs to efficiently manage work ticket details: Work Ticket Items, Item Allocation, and Vendors & Purchasing.

You can access the Manage Work Ticket Items screen by selecting: 

  • The + ADD button in the Cost pane on the Work Tickets screen. This defaults to the Item Allocation tab of the Manage Work Ticket Items screen.
  • The Materials, Equipment, Sub, or Other hyperlink from the Cost pane. This defaults to the Work Ticket Items tab. 
  • Create Receipt from the Actions Menu on the Work Ticket screen. This defaults to the Vendors & Purchasing tab. 

Each tab provides specific functionalities: the Work Ticket Items tab provides information about the non-labor items utilized for the work ticket with associated quantities and costs. Line items representing the individual items can be expanded to show additional information about their allocation from purchase receipts or inventory. The Item Allocation tab allows for inventory management and item allocation, and the Vendors & Purchasing tab facilitates vendor assignments and the creation of purchase receipts. This comprehensive guide explains each tab's elements and their functions.

Work Ticket Items tab on the Manage Work Ticket Items screen 

The following table describes the screen elements on each tab.

Screen ElementDescription
Work Ticket Items Tab
Expand/Collapse buttonExpand the item details to view the work ticket item allocation information.


When you tab off a field you were editing in this section, the Work Ticket Items tab updates with the changes. A message appears, and the table recalculates.

ItemName of the items required for the work ticket.
Show check boxThis check box determines whether the item is displayed when you print the work ticket from the Work Ticket screen. You can check and uncheck boxes to display necessary materials on printed work tickets so crews know what materials to take with them on specific days throughout long construction jobs.
Est QtyEstimated Quantity. The quantity of items specified in the estimate for the contract or work order.
Com QtyCommitted Quantity. The number of items committed to the job from purchase receipts in New status or inventory.
InventoryThe quantity of an item received into the job inventory but not installed on the job. Once items received into the job inventory have been installed, the count of installed items moves from the Inventory column to the Act Qty column.
Act QtyActual Quantity. The quantity of the item installed on the job by receiving the purchase or, for items placed into job inventory, installing the items on the job.
RemainingRemaining items left to complete the job.
Est $Estimated Cost: The cost of the item was estimated during the opportunity estimating process and saved when the opportunity was won.
Act $Actual Cost. The actual cost paid for the item. Will differ from estimated based on the following:
  • Additional costs such as tax or shipping
  • Greater quantity ordered than estimated
  • The difference in the actual cost of the item compared to the estimate
+ Allocate Items ButtonSelect the Allocate Items button to switch to the Item Allocation tab and add items. 
Item Allocation Tab
Inventory LocationSelect the location of the inventory items from the drop-down. Manage inventory allocation, including setting quantities and item levels and moving items between locations.
Search ItemWhen selecting an item to add to the work ticket, Aspire provides a Search Item bar that allows you to search the Item Catalog and select an item. 
ItemThe name of the item.
Quantity to AllocateSpecifies the quantity of the item to allocate.
Quantity on HandThe item quantity on hand.
Unit CostThe expected cost of a single unit of the item when purchased from the vendor. This cost is used in conjunction with markups and designated profit margins to calculate the customer’s price.
Allocation DateThe date that the item allocation was established.
Add + ButtonSelect this button to edit the “Quantity To Allocate” inline item and set the Allocation Date for the item.
Save “Floppy Disk” ButtonIf you changed the Item Allocation, select the Save button to save your item changes.
Done ButtonSelect the Done button to close the modal and implement any changes made.
Vendors & Purchasing Tab
Show check boxThis check box determines whether the item is displayed when you create the purchase receipt. You can also use this check box to perform a bulk action.
Bulk ActionsSelect a bulk action from the menu. The options are:
  • Set Vendor: Select the Branch and Vendor for selected items.
  • Clear Purchase Qty: Sets all purchase quantity values to zero.
  • Set Purchase Qty to Remaining: Resets all purchase quantity values to the default calculated value (i.e. Estimated – [Committed + Purchase]).
  • Substitute Item: Opens the Substitute Items modal, where you can substitute an item from the same branch and item category. The system will alert you if the cost of the substituted item exceeds the original.
Item NameThe name of each item.
VendorAllows you to select a vendor for the item. The drop-down displays vendors associated with the selected branch. 
Item CostThe cost per unit for the item.
Est QtyEstimated Quantity. The quantity of items specified in the estimate for the contract or work order.
Com QtyCommitted Quantity. The number of items committed to the job from purchase receipts in New status or inventory.
Act QtyActual Quantity. The quantity of the item installed on the job by receiving the purchase or, for items placed into job inventory, installing the items on the job.
Purchase QTYPurchase Quantity. The quantity of items to purchase.
Create Purchase ReceiptSelect this button to open the Create Purchase Receipt modal. Select a Branch and Vendor and confirm your purchase of items from the vendor.
Note: If the selected service items have different vendors, an error message will inform you of the mismatch. You can go back and review the vendor assignments, update via the Bulk Actions, or choose to override the vendor within the modal.

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