Manage Routes Bulk Action
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Manage Routes Bulk Action

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Article summary

Manage Routes Bulk Actions Guide

 What's New? 

Activate or deactivate routes from the route advanced search list screen in bulk instead of doing so individually for each route from the Manage Routes search list screen. 


  • Must have the View Routes permission enabled. 

How to Activate or Deactivate Routes in Bulk

  1. Go to the Scheduling module. 
  2. Click on the three dots menu. 
  3. Select Manage Routes.  

  1. Select the routes that you want to either activate or deactivate, simultaneously. 
  2. Click on the Bulk Actions menu and select either Activate Routes or Deactivate Routes

  1. Confirm or Cancel your changes. 

Keep In Mind 

  • Switching screens will automatically remove the routes you have selected so you can only perform bulk actions on routes that appear on the same screen. 
  • If you unintentionally activate an active route using the bulk action, the status of active will remain unchanged.
  • When deactivating a route via a bulk action, those routes will no longer appear on the schedule board. If one of the routes you are attempting to deactivate or activate can not be activated or deactivated, an error message will appear alerting you that the change could not be completed. 

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