Properties and Payment Methods
  • 17 Dec 2021
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Properties and Payment Methods

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Article Summary

If the company has had Aspire enable the Electronic Customer Payment Processing feature, then the Contact screen will reflect a tab called Payment Methods for contacts whose contact type is not “Employee” or “Sub”. This tab allows the user to view, create, or edit payment methods (credit/debit or ACH) for individual customers. Customers can also directly set up their own payment methods using the Customer Portal.

The screen elements in the Payment Methods area of the Contacts screen are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Payment Method IconDisplays an icon to indicate the credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa) based on the credit card number, or in the case of ACH, displays an icon of a bank.
Payment MethodDisplays a textual description of the payment method.
ExpExpiration date.
Exp SoonIf checked, indicates that the credit card expires in the current month or the following month.
ActiveThe Active checkbox remains checked until the passing of the expiration date. Then it becomes unchecked.
DefaultIndicates the default payment method for the customer. Only one payment method will be the default.
Edit Payment Method 

Clicking this allows the user to change information for the payment method. When the user clicks this icon, the Aspire displays two icons in its place – the Save Payment Method icon and the Undo icon.

The user can then change the Default checkbox, the Active checkbox, and/or default billing information and select one of the two icons. If the user sets the payment method as the default, then the previous default payment method becomes unchecked. If the user changes the payment method to inactive, the customer user will no longer be able to select the payment method when paying invoices in the Customer Portal.

Delete Payment Method

Clicking this deletes the payment method.

Add Payment Method Clicking this icon displays the New Payment Method screen allowing the user to create a new payment method for the customer and add it to the list of payment methods.

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