Service Item Details Screen
  • 17 Jul 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Service Item Details Screen

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Article summary

The Service Item Details screen is displayed by clicking on an item hyperlink on the Estimate screen. It allows you to view or edit information defined for the item or kit.

The image below shows the Service Item Details screen for a kit. When displayed for a non-kit item, the item list only contains a single entry representing that item.

screen capture of the service item details page for a kit.

Screen ElementDescription
Item NameName of the item as displayed on the estimate. Initially populated based on the name of the selected catalog item when the item was added to the estimate. The name of an item can be modified by clicking the item listed and navigating to the Display Name field. A modified item name will reflect on the invoice unless the item is grouped in a kit. If the item is a part of a kit, the item name listed on the invoice will reflect the original catalog item name. 
QtyItem or kit quantity as measured by the specified measurement units. Allows you to specify the appropriate item quantity to support the estimate.
Force Single Unit Pricing CheckboxAllows you to force single unit pricing in cases where the same item will be referenced in more than one service on the opportunity.
Ext CostExtended Cost. Sum of extended cost for all items listed based on the calculated quantity required for each item and each item’s unit cost.
Unit Price

Extended price to customers for each unit. By default, the field displays the unit price computed by Aspire based on cost, markup, and profit percent for all items. You can modify this value to force a specific unit price for the kit. If you override Aspire’s calculated value:

  • The field will display in yellow if the override is less than the Aspire calculated value.
  • The field will display in green if the override is greater than the Aspire calculated value.

If you have entered an override value, and then blank out the value and leave the field, Aspire will recalculate the price and display the calculated value.

If you drill into the Service Item Details screen for an item in the estimate under a T&M service, the Unit Price field is read-only if the item is comprised entirely of labor. If the item includes items of any other item type (material, equipment, sub, or other), you can update the Unit Price.

Ext PriceExtended Price. Total customer price for the item or kit.
Item ListFor kits, multiple items that define the kit will be displayed. When displayed for a non-kit item, the item list contains only a single entry representing that item.
Item NameName of item from the item catalog.
TypeType of item. For Kits, the items beneath it are the items that comprise the kit.

At the Estimate level:

  • Use the drop-down menu on the Service Item Details page to select the designated vendor for the service item.
  • Tip: Same service + Same service item = Same vendor. Aspire will display a confirmation modal, allowing you to update the vendor for all duplicate service items for that service within the opportunity.
  • Once an estimate is won, you cannot change the vendor at the estimate level. You can update the vendor at the Work Ticket and Purchasing Assistant levels.
  • If you create a Change Order with the same service and service items, ensure you win the change order to see the updated vendor across the board (i.e., Work Ticket and Purchasing Assistant levels).
Post-deployment, all duplicate service items within the same service must have the same vendor. Aspire will display a confirmation modal to update the vendor for all duplicate service items for that service within the opportunity.
FactorDivision factor that properly converts the item units for that line to the units represented at the top for the entire kit supporting the proper calculation of the line item’s quantity.
UnitsShows the relationship of the line item units to the overall units that comprise the kit. Read as “Number of first unit per second unit.” (i.e. Hours per BB 2” meaning it takes one hour to install each BB 2”; OR cubic yards per BB 2”)
InvertIf the Invert checked is checked, the units in the Units column are reversed so that the first number represents the overall units, and the second number represents the units for the line. When you check or uncheck the Invert checkbox, the factor is automatically inverted.
Waste %Amount of material that is expected to be wasted based on common usage. This value affects the Qty Adj (Adjusted Quantity) field which determines the actual quantity required on hand to perform the work.
QtyThe initial value is calculated by Aspire based on the overall quantity multiplied by the factor (or divided by the factor if the Invert checkbox is checked). You can override the calculated quantity based on the knowledge of the project.
Qty AdjRead-only. Adjusted from specified quantity to account for specified waste percent.
Unit CostThe expected cost of a single unit of the item when purchased from the vendor. This cost is used in conjunction with markups and designated profit margin to calculate the customer’s price.
Extended CostCalculated by Aspire. Adjusted Quantity X Unit Cost.
Remove Service Kit ItemRemoves the line item from the kit in the estimate.
Add New Kit Item…Selecting an item or kit from the dropdown (begin typing item name to narrow drop-down list), adds another line item to the kit – and thus to the estimate.
DescriptionWhen an item is added to the estimate from the item catalog, this value populates from the item description in the item. You can modify that description here for the service item. Modifications you make will have no impact on the item in the catalog. The value can be incorporated into the proposal layouts if desired but is not included by default.
Estimating NotesThis field allows estimators to include notes for the item that becomes available in the Purchasing Assistant when the purchasing agent is creating purchase receipts as a field called Estimating Notes.

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