Using the Customer Portal 2.0
  • 31 Jul 2024
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Using the Customer Portal 2.0

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Article summary

After the customer logs into the Customer Portal 2.0, Aspire presents the Dashboard screen, offering three different views for displaying the customer’s invoices, proposals, and requests. The menu displays the Property Filter, the customer’s Current Balance, and the Home, Requests, Proposals, and Invoices buttons. The Application Configuration determines the dashboard display and which buttons the customer can view and access.


If you have disabled the Show Proposals, Invoices, or Requests content elements in your application configuration, the features are unavailable to the customer. 

Screen capture of the Customer Portal 2.0 dashboard screen.

Customer Portal Dashboard Screen

When the Customer Portal Dashboard screen first displays, customers see the Home screen, with an interactable Marketing carousel, Invoices Due, Proposals Pending, and Requests Pending, provided this data is enabled in the application configuration.

The screen elements that are common to all three views on the Customer Portal Dashboard screen (depicted above) are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Company Logo

Logo established in the Header section of the Customer Portal 2.0 tab of the Application Configuration screen in Aspire.

Screen Title

Page title established in the Header section of the Customer Portal 2.0 tab of the Application Configuration screen in Aspire.

Dashboard Information AreaInformation for the selected property that depends on the current Property Filter selection. The dashboard displays Requests Pending, Proposals Pending, and Invoices Due, depending on the application configuration.
Property Filter

The Home screen presents information about the viewed property. If the logged-in customer is linked to multiple properties, this field offers a drop-down list, allowing the user to select which property's information to display. 

By default, the display shows all properties belonging to the user.

Current Balance

The customer’s current account balance, in dollars. This number reflects cumulative due invoice amounts.

Credits contribute to this equation only when applied to a specific invoice. Unapplied credits are not considered in this calculation.

When the customer logs in, they will see a menu with the following options:

  • Property Filter: see above.
  • Current Balance: see above.
  • Home: Select this button to redirect to the Home screen.
  • Requests: Select this button to go to a list of customer requests, including relevant property information, priority, and request status. Customers can also add a new request from this screen.
  • Proposals: Select this button to go to the Proposal screen, with property information, cost, and status. Customers can select a proposal to view the details and sign proposals from the proposal details screen.
  • Invoices: Select this button to go to the Invoices screen. This screen provides an invoice list with invoice information, balance, and status. Customers can select an invoice to view the details and pay invoices from the invoice details screen.
User Icon

Select the user icon from the top navigation bar to access the following actions:

  • Manage Payments: Displays the Manage Payment Methods screen. This option is only available if the Electronic Payment feature is enabled on the Electronic Payment tab of the Application Configuration screen.
  • Reset Password: Displays the Reset Password screen.
  • Sign Out: Sign Out to return to the Sign In screen.

Requests Screen

The Requests view displays identified and addressed requests for the selected property.


 In Customer Portal 2.0, Issues are now termed Requests. In Customer Portal 1.0, they are still referred to as Issues.

Screen capture of the Customer Portal 2.0 Requests screen.

The elements of the Requests screen are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Request List

Displays a list of requests associated with the selected property.

Show Selection

A dropdown list that provides two options for determining which requests to display:

  • Open: Shows all open requests available to the customer for the selected property.
  • Closed: Displays completed requests.
Add New Request Button

Select this button to create a new request for the service contractor in the Aspire Desktop application. When you click the button, the Create Request screen displays.

Request Title

Contains the request number and the associated subject.

Property NameThe property name associated with the request.

Shows the request status which can be one of the following: 

  • Open: Shows all open requests available to the customer for the selected property.
  • Closed: Displays requests for jobs that are currently in progress and still need to be completed.

The priority status of the request can be one of the following:

  • High
  • Normal
  • Low

Select a request to view the Request details screen that contains information and images related to the selected request, add comments to an open request, or select Add New Request to create a new request.

Add New Request Screen

Screen capture of the Add New Request screen in customer portalThe Add New Request screen displays when the customer selects the Add New Request button. The Add New Request screen elements are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Associated Property

Required. Select a property to associate with the new request.


Required. Enter a subject summarizing the request.


Specify the request priority as High, Medium, or Low.

Add Attachment Button

Select this button to open a dialog to attach up to five images or other files to the request. Hold the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple attachments while clicking on the files in the file selector window. If you select files and then return to choose more, the original selection will be replaced by the most recent group of selected files.

File List

This field shows a list of attached images.


Required. Enter a fuller description of the issue that will inform the service contractor of the request details.

Submit Request Button

Completes the request creation and returns you to the Request List screen. When a customer creates a request, an email is sent to the Account Owner and the Operations Manager for the property. 

Cancel ButtonCancels the creation of the request and closes the window without saving. Returns you to the Request List screen.

View Request Screen

Screen capture of Request Details screen in Customer Portal 2.0.

The View Request screen displays when the customer selects a request from the Request List. The View Request screen elements are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Request InformationDisplays the request number and descriptive title.
Associated Property

The name and address of the property.


The request status.

Created Date

Shows the date that the request was created. If the request is closed, shows the request completion date.


The subject of the request.


The current priority of the request.


Area that includes any photos attached to the request.

Comment Area

Scrollable area for displaying comments that represent the request history.

Associated with

Shows the property and any related proposals associated with the request.

Add Comment ButtonSelect this button to add a comment to the request. Opens the Add Comment workflow. For more information on the screen elements, see the Add Comment screen.
Back Button

Returns you to the Request list.

Add Comment Screen

Screen capture of the Add Comment screen in the Customer Portal.

The Add Comment screen displays when the customer selects the Add Comment option for a request. It allows you to enter a comment that is reported back to their service contractor.

The elements of the Add Comment screen are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Associated Property

Name of the property.


The subject of the comment.


The current priority of the comment.

Add Attachment ButtonSelect this button to display a dialog that allows you to locate and attach up to five attachments to the comment.
CommentEnter notes to communicate to the service contractor.
Add Comment ButtonCompletes the action of adding the comment entered in the Notes/Description field to the request.
Cancel Button

Closes the window without saving the comment.

Proposals Screen

The Proposal screen shows proposals for the selected property.

Screen capture of the Customer Portal 2.0 Proposal list screen.The elements of the Proposal screen are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Proposal List

Displays a list of proposals associated with the customer's account.

Sort By Filter

A drop-down menu that allows you to filter proposals by three options:

  • All (Default, no filter applied) - Lists all proposals in reverse chronological order based on the Estimated Start Date.
  • Pending: Displays proposals in pending status, ordered by the Estimated Start Date. Pending indicates the proposal has not yet been signed.
  • Accepted: Shows proposals in accepted status, sorted by the Estimated Start Date.
Proposal Title

Number identifying the proposal and the associated opportunity description.

Property NameName assigned to the property.

Shows the proposal status which can be one of the following:

  • Approved: The customer has signed the proposal in the portal. However, winning the opportunity in Aspire Desktop is still required. 
  • Pending: Proposal sent to the portal, awaiting customer signature. 
  • Rejected: Customer declined the proposal; opportunity lost.
PriceThe total estimated cost to the customer for the proposed work order or contract.

The customer can select a proposal to view the proposal details, PDF, and sign the PDF.

Proposal Details Screen

Screen capture of Proposal Details screen in Customer Portal 2.0.

Customers can select a proposal to access the Proposal Details screen. The screen elements are described in the following table:

Screen ElementDescription
Proposal Title

Includes the proposal number and the associated proposal name. 

Property Information

Property information related to the proposal.


The status bar for each proposal displays one of the following options:

  • Pending: Pending indicates the proposal has not yet been signed.
  • Accepted: The proposal has been accepted.
  • Rejected: The proposal has been rejected.
Sent Date

The date the proposal was sent.


The total estimated cost to the customer for the proposed work order or contract.

ServicesShows the services and proposed amounts for services included in the proposal.
Optional ServicesIf applicable, shows the optional services added when the customer signed the proposal.

Shows the total amount of the original proposal.

Service Contact

Displays the service's contact information.

Associated WithShows any additional relevant details, such as properties, requests, and invoices associated with the proposal.
InvoicesDisplays invoices associated with the proposal.
View Proposal ButtonSelect this button to view the proposal PDF, select optional services, and then Select & Sign.

Signature Pad

When a customer selects the View Proposal button on the Proposal Details screen, then the Select & Sign option for an open proposal, they can also select optional services for the job by checking the boxes next to the desired services and leaving unchecked the ones they do not want. After selecting the services and adding a signature, the customer clicks the Accept & Sign button.

Screen capture of the Signature Pad screen with an optional service enabled in the Customer Portal.

Upon submission, an email notification is sent to the sales representative, informing them that the proposal has been signed and optional services added.

The screen elements for the Signature Pad are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Proposal NumberThe proposal number that the customer is signing.
Optional ServicesThe customer can select optional services for the job by checking the boxes next to the desired services and leaving unchecked the ones they do not want.
Signature AreaThe rectangular area in which the customer records their signature using the mouse, finger, or stylus (depending on their device) to sign the proposal.
Accept and Sign ButtonThis button is only enabled if a user has made a mark in the signature area. The confirmation dialog displays before returning the user to the Home screen.
Cancel ButtonCloses the signature area without signing the proposal.

Signature Completion

Once the customer signs the proposal in the Customer Portal 2.0, the Signature icon becomes available when you access the proposal in the Aspire Desktop. Hovering over the icon displays the signature. The proposal remains in the Delivered status (indicating it's been sent to the client for signature) until the Aspire Desktop user wins it.

Screen capture of Opportunity screen with an electronic signature.

Invoices Screen

The Invoices screen shows invoices for the property selected in the left-hand Property Filter.

The screen elements for the Invoices screen are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Show Filter

A dropdown that allows you to filter invoices in three options:

  • All (Default): Lists all invoices in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent, based on the Invoice Date. 
  • Due: Displays only due invoices in reverse chronological order, based on the Invoice Date. 
  • Paid: Filters the list to show only paid invoices, arranged reverse chronologically by Invoice Date.
Invoice Title

Includes the invoice number and the associated opportunity name. 

Only the invoice number will display when an invoice contains multiple opportunities.
BalanceShows the invoice balance. This value will differ from the Invoice Amount for partially paid invoices.
Status Indicator

The status bar for each invoice displays one of the following options:

  • Due: The status bar is red to indicate the invoice is due.
  • Paid: The status bar is green to indicate the invoice is paid.

Invoice Details Screen

Select an invoice to view the details or pay the invoice. The customer can select the View Invoice button to view the PDF or Pay Invoice to make a payment.Screen capture of the Invoice Details screen in Customer Portal 2.0.

The screen elements for the Invoices Details screen are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Invoice Title

Includes the invoice number and the associated opportunity name.

Only the invoice number will display when an invoice contains multiple opportunities.
Property Information

Property information related to the invoice.


The status bar for each invoice displays one of the following options:

  • Due: The status bar is red to indicate the invoice is due.
  • Paid: The status bar is green to indicate the invoice is paid.

Shows the invoice balance. This value will differ from the Invoice Amount for partially paid invoices.

ServicesShows the services and invoice amounts for services logged in the invoice.
TotalShows the total amount of the original invoice.
Service ContactDisplays the service contact information.
Associated WithShows the property and related proposals associated with the invoice. Select the proposal to drill into the details.
View Invoice ButtonSelect this button to view the invoice PDF.
Pay Invoice ButtonSelect this button to open the Pay Invoice Dialog and pay the invoice.

Pay Invoice Dialog

The Pay Invoice dialog is displayed when the customer selects the Pay Invoice button for an open invoice. Both primary and billing contacts can see and pay invoices. 

When the customer initiates payment for an invoice, if the payment method chosen is ACH (vs credit or debit card), the Convenience Fee field is not available. 

The screen elements for the Pay Invoice dialog are described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Balance AmountChoose to pay either the full invoice balance or a lesser amount.
Payment MethodAllows you to select from a list of payment methods (credit cards, debit cards, or bank accounts) that you have established for making payments. When the field is selected, it displays a list of the available payment methods. Expired credit cards will not be displayed in the list.  
Add Payment MethodClicking this button initiates the creation of a new payment method by displaying the Add Payment Method screen.
AmountAllows the customer to specify how much they are paying.
Convenience FeeDisplays the convenience fee based on the established fee percentage for the value you have specified in the Amount field. Only shown for credit or debit card payments – not for ACH.
Pay Invoices ButtonInitiates the payment amount and submits it for processing.
Cancel ButtonCancels the payment and returns to the invoice details.

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