Weekly Time Review Screen
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Weekly Time Review Screen

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Article summary

The Weekly Time Review screen summarizes employee time worked during a week, allowing time to be reviewed, approved, and exported to the payroll system or payroll service. Each row in the list represents the time for an employee in the specified week, grouped by status. Only crew members who have time logged during the selected week will be listed.

This screen can be displayed by selecting the Weekly Time Review tab of the Scheduling Board screen.

The company’s process may require managers to review and approve time and have HR personnel export time. Alternatively, HR personnel may perform both functions. Time is typically entered for an entire week before time is approved for a week, but Aspire will allow you to approve time more frequently.

The Weekly Time Review screen is a search list that behaves like other search lists, allowing you to display and filter information to provide the most value in various situations. To properly use the Weekly Time Review screen, some special requirements exist for configuring the search list. The requirements identified here are correctly established in the default configuration for the Weekly Time Review screen and are depicted in the image below.

  1. Must group by one of the following two search fields:
    1. Employee Checkbox – Displays the employee name preceded by a checkbox for selecting the employee.
    2. Employee Checkbox with Number – Displays the employee name and number preceded by a checkbox for selecting the employee.
  2. Display the status of the time entries so that you will know if they are Pending, Approved, or Exported to payroll.
  3. Display the columns for each day of the week and for total time and overtime hours.

In the example of the Weekly Time Review screen shown below, a manager approved Greg CrewleaderEnh’s time for the week on Friday evening. Then, on Saturday, Greg logged an additional 4 hours for training. The four hours of training time has not yet been approved, nor has the time entered during the week for Jack Labor or Jimmy Labor.

Unlike most search list screens, the Weekly Time Review screen provides several quick access filters directly above the list.

Screen Elements

Some of the columns in this search list have particular relevance for time validation and approval and are included in the screen element definitions below: 

Quick Access Filters

These fields allow you to filter the time displayed without drilling into the standard search list filter options.

Selection Checkboxes

Allows you to select employees to be included in action for any option they choose from one of the Bulk Actions menus except for the Export All Employees option. Selecting the checked checkbox in the header selects all rows. Selecting the empty checkbox in the header clears all row selections. Note that the Inova Bulk Action is only visible if you have enabled Inova Payroll Services within the Aspire Administration menu. 


The status shows the progression of actions performed on each time entry row. Status values:

  • Pending – The initial status for a row indicates that time has been entered and accepted pending the review.
  • Unaccepted – Time has been entered but not accepted on the Time Entry screen. Time must be accepted before it can be approved.
  • Approved – Selecting the row by selecting its Selection Checkbox and then choosing the Approve option indicates that you have reviewed and are satisfied with the values recorded in the row. The status changes to Approved.
  • Exported – Finally, when you select the Export option in the Actions menu to export the row to the payroll system, the status changes to Exported.

Days of Week

You will typically include columns for Day 1 Hours through Day 7 Hours. Unlike most fields in search lists, Aspire automatically generates the display names for these column headers so that each day is correctly labeled according to the first day of the week defined in the First Day of Week field on the Time Reporting tab of the Application Configuration screen.


Displays the total of all time for the row, including overtime.


Displays the calculated amount of overtime for the week based on daily and weekly hours spent and the assigned pay schedule for each employee.

Hours Worked

Each cell under the Days of Week headers represents the hours an employee works during the specified day. Selecting one of these cells displays the Hours Worked menu, providing options associated with the entry.

Warning icon - Unaccepted Time Correction Request

If an employee’s time correction request is pending and hasn’t been approved or denied, you cannot approve or select that employee’s time on this screen. For more information, see Time Correction Requests in the Time Entry Validation article.

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