Work Ticket Schedule Screen
  • 08 Jan 2024
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Work Ticket Schedule Screen

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Article summary

The Work Ticket Schedule screen provides an overview of the work tickets for which recurring visits have been scheduled and allows you to adjust the schedule. This screen is available from the following locations:

If visits are scheduled on multiple days for a single work ticket, only the first visit will be shown in this view. The highlighted days represent work ticket occurrences.

 The following table provides basic descriptions of elements depicted on the Work Ticket Schedule screen image above.

Screen ElementDescription
Full Year CalendarDisplays a full-year calendar showing days on which the first visit for each work ticket is scheduled.
Calendar Display YearAllows you to choose the year represented by the Full Year Calendar. Note that a single contract year may span two calendar years. For example, if the contract begins in July, then part of the contract year runs from July through December of one calendar year, and the second part of the contract year runs from January through June of the following calendar year. You can select any month during the year to display that month in the Calendar Display Month.
Contract YearAllows you to choose the contract year to display in the Full Year Calendar. The contract year is designated by the year in which the contract begins.
Occurrences RemainingShows how many existing work ticket occurrences have not yet been scheduled during the selected contract year.
Calendar Display MonthThe calendar display month allows you to modify the schedule by clicking on days of the week to toggle the scheduling of a work ticket for that day. As you select or deselect a day for scheduling a work ticket, the blue highlighting toggles to show whether a work ticket is scheduled, and the Occurrence Remaining field changes to show how many of the available work tickets remain unscheduled.

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