Create Work Ticket Receipt Screen
  • 24 Sep 2024
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Create Work Ticket Receipt Screen

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Article summary

The Create Work Ticket Receipt screen allows you to create a purchase receipt for items from a work ticket. Basic information is entered on this screen before Aspire displays the Purchase Receipt screen allowing you to finish the creation of the purchase receipt. This screen is available from the following locations:

  • When you select the Create Receipt option from the Work Ticket screen.
  • When you select the Create Receipt option from the Visit Pop-up menu on the Scheduling Board.

The screen is shown here:

The following table describes the elements on the Create Work Ticket Receipt screen.

Screen ElementDescription
BranchAllows you to select the branch for the purchase receipt.
VendorAllows you to select a vendor for the purchase receipt. The drop-down displays vendors associated with the selected branch.
Selection CheckboxesAllows you to select the items to be included on the purchase receipt.
Header SelectionAllows you to select or deselect all the materials on the list.
Item NameName of each item.
Item costCost per unit for the item.
Estimated QtyThe quantity of each item is estimated on the work ticket.
Committed QtyQuantity already committed to the job from an existing purchase receipt, but not yet received.
Actual QtyQuantity already allocated to the job upon receipt of purchase or allocated from inventory.
Purchase Qty

Allows you to specify the quantity to order. When the screen is displayed, the value defaults to the amount remaining to be ordered
(i.e. Estimated – [Committed + Purchase]). You can choose to purchase a number of items different than what was estimated.

Color Coding – When you enter a quantity, the field will be shaded green if the entered value is greater than the quantity remaining to order, and yellow if the entered value is less than the quantity remaining to order. White indicates that the entered value matches the quantity remaining to order.

Clear Purchase Quantity Selecting this from the More drop-down sets all purchase quantity values to zero.
Reset Purchase QuantitySelecting this from the More drop-down resets all purchase quantity values to the default calculated value
(i.e. Estimated – [Committed + Purchase]).
SaveSaves the values entered on the screen and displays the Purchase Receipt screen based on the selections.
CancelExits, returning to the prior screen without saving any changes.

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