Invoices Search List Screen
  • 03 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Invoices Search List Screen

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Article summary

You can create and manage invoices from the Invoices Search List screen and the Invoice screen. The Invoices Search List screen behaves like other search lists.

The Invoices Search List screen is available from the Invoices tab from the Invoicingicon on the Aspire Navigation Bar

This search list allows you to add two columns that support applying payments to the invoice:

Search List Field NameDisplay Name (above)Description
Add PaymentAdd PmtIf you have the View Accounts Receivable permission and Edit Billing permission and click this icon, Aspire displays the Payment screen and selects the invoice for payment and the associated billing contact.
Process Electronic PaymentProcess EPThis field is only available in the search list if the Electronic Customer Payment Processing feature of Aspire is enabled. If you have the Process Electronic Payments permission click this icon for an invoice, Aspire displays the Process Electronic Payment screen.

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