Labor Rates Screen
  • 02 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Labor Rates Screen

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Article summary

The Labor Rates screen is available by clicking the Labor Ratesicon on the Service Details screen when the invoice type for the service is T&M. This screen allows you to define multiple labor rates for the time and materials (T&M) service. Note that this is an hourly rate to be charged to the customer including labor cost, markup, and profit. When time is applied to the associated work ticket on the Time Entry screen, you can select the appropriate Labor Rate per employee as shown on right.

If no labor rates have yet been established for a service, and you enter a Labor Price and then click the Labor Rates icon, the specified labor rate will be used to create a labor rate record calling it Default which is displayed on the Labor Rates screen.  you can change the name of the labor rate. 

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