6.13.0 Time-Based Scheduling Enhancements
  • 20 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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6.13.0 Time-Based Scheduling Enhancements

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Article summary

Time-Based Scheduling Enhancements 

Below is a list of the time-based scheduling enhancements in the 6.13.0 release. 

  • You can now determine if a route is time-based by displaying the Time-Based Scheduling field on the Manage Routes  advanced search list. 

  • When you adjust the Crew Size on the Manage Routes details screen for a time-based route, a Confirm dialog box will populate, informing you that the estimated Crew Hours could require a Start and End time adjustment for a visit.                                                                                                                                      

  • When you adjust the Start time of a visit, a suggested End time is adjusted based on the new start time and the crew hours of the visit. 
  • When you drag and drop a work ticket visit from the work ticket list drawer to a time-based route, the start time for the visit will automatically reflect the next available start time within the tile on the schedule.


  • When you select the Property hyperlink on the Visit Preview, you will be redirected to the Property overview screen instead of the property details screen. You can access the property details screen by selecting Edit Property from the More actions menu in the upper right corner of the screen.  

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