Customer Issues Insight Quick Guide
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Customer Issues Insight Quick Guide

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Customer Issues Insight Quick Guide

The new customer issues insight widget allows you to review open customer issues from the Dashboard. Review this quick start guide to view the permissions you need to set up, create, and manage your customer issues widget.


 Enable the View Customer Issues Insight role permission for any roles with this insight on your dashboard. 

  1. Navigate to the Administration menu. 
  2. Select User Management
  3. Click on User Roles
  4. Enable View Customer Issues Insight under the KPI and Insight section. 

Good to Know

  • Please remember that each KPI and Insight widget has a corresponding individual role permission. 

KPI and Insights on the Dashboard

After enabling the correct permission, you must customize your dashboard to display KPIs and Insights on the Dashboard by going to your User Settings and taking the following steps to create the insight card: 

  1. Click Settings from the Navigation Bar
  2. Select Settings again to access User Settings
  3.  Go to the Dashboard Customization section of the page. 

Creating the Customer Issues Insight

Once the KPI and Insight column is enabled, you can go to the Aspire Dashboard and create a new KPI or Insight card by clicking the context menu of an existing KPI Insight card and selecting New.

 Then, select Customer Issues as the KPI and Insight type in the modal. The options in this field are based on the permissions enabled for your assigned role. Create a name to enable the save button. The date range default is all time, but you can select any date range from the drop-down.

 The new Customer Issues Insight card is number-based and will display the name you selected, with the date range you selected in parenthesis. Open issues include all-time open issues, while created and completed values are based on the selected date range. 

Editing the Customer Issues Insight

To edit an existing customer issues insight, select edit from the insight card context menu to display the configuration modal.

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