Estimate Custom Column Screen
  • 02 Aug 2023
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Estimate Custom Column Screen

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Article Summary

The Estimate Custom Column screen enables you to define custom columns to be displayed on the Estimate screen. This screen is displayed from the Estimate Custom Columns Search List screen when you click the New Estimate Custom Column icon or click an existing estimate custom column in the list to view or edit.


Each of the screen elements on the Estimate Custom Column screen is described in the following table.

Screen ElementDescription
Column NameRequired. Allows you to enter a descriptive name for the column. This name will be displayed in the column’s header on the Estimate screen.
Opportunity TypeRequired. Allows you to apply the custom column to work orders, or contracts, or both.
Display OrderAllows you to enter a sequence number relative to other custom columns. These numbers determine the order in which the custom columns appear on the Estimate screen.
Display FormatThe display format determines how the value will be displayed on the Estimate screen. The display format is determined by two fields – one to select the numeric interpretation (Currency, Percentage, Number), and the other to specify the number of places to be represented after the decimal point.
Formula AreaaRequired. This area assists you in entering a mathematical formula describing how to calculate the value on the Estimate screen based on available numeric fields. The drop-down field enables to select fields available for the calculation. When you choose an item from the drop-down, the field will be inserted into the text boxb at the point of the cursor. If you click one of the symbol buttonsc, the symbol will be inserted into the calculation at the point of the cursor. Parenthesis can be used to specify the order in which the arithmetic operations should be performed to calculate the value.
Delete icon  Clicking this icon deletes the custom column removing it from the Estimate screen.
Save icon  Saves any changes you made to the information on the Estimate screen and takes them back to the prior screen.

Available Fields

The following fields are available in the drop-down of the Formula Area when defining estimate custom columns.

Service Item QuantityThe total service item quantity for the line in the estimate. Note that for line items in the estimate representing kits, this value will be the sum of all items in the kit. Depending on the intention of the calculation, this number may not be meaningful.
Extended HoursTotal extended hours for the line in the estimate.
Labor Extended CostExtended labor cost for the line in the estimate.
Material Extended CostExtended material cost for the line in the estimate.
Equipment Extended CostExtended equipment cost for the line in the estimate.
Sub Extended CostExtended subcontractor cost for the line in the estimate.
Other Extended CostExtended another cost for the line in the estimate.
Extended CostTotal extended cost for the line in the estimate.
Labor OverheadLabor overhead for the line in the estimate.
Material OverheadThe material overhead for the line is in the estimate.
Equipment OverheadEquipment overhead for the line in the estimate.
Sub OverheadSubcontractor overhead for the line in the estimate.
Other OverheadOther overhead for the line in the estimate.
Labor ProfitLabor profit for the line in the estimate.
Material ProfitMaterial profit for the line in the estimate.
Equipment ProfitEquipment profit for the line in the estimate.
Sub ProfitSubcontractor profit for the line in the estimate.
Other ProfitOther profit for the line in the estimate.
Per PricePer price, the value represents the calculated per item (or per service) price for the line in the estimate. Suppose you have entered an override value on the line. In that case, this new Per Service value in the calculated field still reflects the originally calculated value – not the override value entered by you.
Extended PriceTotal extended price for the line item in the estimate.
General Conditions CostFive values are available for each labor, materials, equipment, and sub; another represents the associated cost allocated for general conditions.
General Conditions PriceFive values are available – one for each of labor, materials, equipment, and sub, and another representing the associated price allocated for general conditions.
General Conditions OverheadFive values are available – one for each of labor, materials, equipment, and sub, and another representing the associated overhead allocated for general conditions.
General Conditions Overall CostThe value represents the associated cost allocated for general conditions.
General Conditions Overall PriceValue representing the associated price allocated for general conditions.
General Conditions Overall OverheadValue representing the associated overhead allocated for general conditions.
Takeoff ValuesThe list contains one item for each actively defined takeoff to calculate a line item in the estimate.

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