- 02 Feb 2023
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Approving Work Tickets
- Updated on 02 Feb 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Aspire allows you to require the approval of work tickets by an authorized system user before the work ticket status is set to Complete. This requirement is specified for individual services by selecting the Requires Approval checkbox on the Service screen.
If a user initiates the Complete action for a work ticket that requires approval, Aspire will set the status to Pending Approval instead of Complete.
To approve work tickets, a user must have the Approve Work Ticket permission. Approval of work tickets is performed on the Work Tickets Search List screen. The approver can establish a work ticket search list that identifies work tickets that are pending approval that they should review and approve by specifying to display work tickets whose Status field is set to Pending Approval.
After reviewing the work tickets and validating that they should be Complete, they can select the appropriate work tickets, and then choose the Approve option from the Bulk Actions menu.
The approver can alternatively approve a work ticket from the Work Ticket screen by selecting Approve from the More drop-down menu.