- 25 Apr 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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Editing the Schedule of Values
- Updated on 25 Apr 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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When creating the schedule of values for a work order, Aspire provides the ability to group the schedule of values items. Consider the following estimate for plantings and hardgoods enhancement:
We will demonstrate the creation of a schedule of values with a grouping that mirrors the grouping established for the estimate.
From the drop-down menu select Edit Schedule of Values to display the Schedule of Values screen. The default schedule of values is displayed and is placed into an initial group called “Default.” A new group can be created by clicking the Add Groupicon next to the default group. The name of the group (i.e. “Planting”) can be typed into the field.
Then, rename the group “Default” to “Hardgoods” by clicking on the word “Default” and retyping.
In this example, we will replace the default schedule of values items for planting based on the number of plants and delete the default schedule of values items “Planting Enhancement” and “Tree Work” so the schedule of values looks like the following:
Note that if the schedule of values is for a change order that removes materials or labor from the estimate, the quantity value may be allowed to be negative as described in the section Negative Schedule of Values for Change Orders. Note the Enable Negative Schedule of Value Lines option must be enabled on the Application tab of the Application Configuration screen.
Groups or schedule of value items can be deleted by clicking the Delete icon next to them. If a group is deleted, all the schedules of value items under it are deleted as well.
You can reorder or move groups or schedule of value items by clicking and holding the mouse button while the cursor is on the gray area of the element to be moved (cursor shown as four arrows ), and then dragging the element to a new location in the hierarchy.

Saving the Schedule of Values – The Schedule of Values can be saved by clicking Save. Save changes to an SOV at any stage, allowing for adjustments before final submission, but keep in mind that before finalizing opportunities and change orders, Aspire will need to verify that the SOV and estimate match for transition to project execution.
Net Schedule of Values – Selecting Net Schedule of Values from the More drop-down displays the Net Schedule of Values screen consolidating the schedule of values for the work order and all associated change orders.