Job Dashboard
  • 24 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Job Dashboard

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Article summary

The Job Dashboard is available only on work orders, not contracts. It provides multiple sections that summarize project status information related to a job: 

The screen is made up of three sections:

It provides a more complete summary of the job status than the other job report options.   The Job Dashboard is available if you have Job Dashboard permission from the following location.

  • On the Opportunity Search List screen click the Displayicon to launch the Display screen. From the drop-down select Job Dashboard and click Apply. Adding the Job Dashboard field to the search list will display a More icon next to each won work order. Clicking the icon displays the Job Dashboard for that opportunity.  

The Job Dashboard provides a Print icon that allows you to print the dashboard using the print format shown below.

Print Format 

The image below shows the format of the printout of the Job Dashboard.

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