Opportunities Search List Screen
  • 13 Feb 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Opportunities Search List Screen

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Article summary

The Opportunities Search List screen provides a list of opportunities and behaves like other search lists allowing you to display and filter information to provide the most value in various situations. It provides access to any opportunity in the system allowing you to select one for viewing or updating based on your permissions.

The Opportunities Search List screen allows you to add Opportunity Notes to the Displayproviding an option to view the Proposal Description 1, Proposal Description 2, Opportunity Invoice Notes, and Estimator Notes as depicted below.

Bulk Edit Menu Options

The Opportunities screen supports the bulk editing of selected opportunities. As depicted in the screen below, specific opportunities displayed based on search criteria can be individually selected by checkboxes or by selecting All or None. You can then update the selected jobs simultaneously by choosing an option from the BULK ACTIONS drop-down in the upper right-hand corner.  

By choosing one of the menu options (Change Sales Rep, Change Operations Manager, Anticipated Close Date, Probability, Won, Lost, Email, Copy, Add Tags, Remove Tags or Renew) you will change the data on EVERY record where the check box is selected, so use this functionality cautiously. 

The following table describes the options in the Bulk Actions menu.

Change Sales RepThis option displays the Change Sales Rep dialog to choose a sales rep that should be applied to all selected opportunities.
Change Operations ManagerThis option displays the Change Operations Manager dialog to choose a sales rep that should be applied to all selected opportunities.
Change Anticipated Close DateThis option displays the Change Anticipated Close Date dialog to choose a sales rep that should be applied to all selected opportunities.
Change ProbabilityThis option displays the Change Probability dialog allowing you to change the probability that the selected items will be won.
WonThe Won option is only available if you Win Opportunities permission. When it is selected, a confirmation dialog is displayed before proceeding with the operation. Once confirmed, only opportunities meeting the following criteria are won: 
  • Status must be Approved or Delivered (proposal delivered to the customer - this is the Proposed stage)
  • For opportunities with payment schedules, you must have a payment schedule that properly accounts for the full price
  • You must have permission to win the opportunity
If any of these criteria are not met, the following dialog is displayed.

The Lost option is available only if you have the Lose Opportunities permission. Selecting this option opens the Set Opportunity to Lost modal, requiring you to select a reason from the Lost Reason list, which is managed in the Opportunity Lost Reason search list. You can also specify a competitor, add optional notes in the Lost Reason Note field, and set a follow-up flag. The follow-up option allows users to create a future opportunity with key details carried forward.

If the Require Opportunity Lost Reason setting is enabled in Application Configuration, you must select a Lost Reason before marking the opportunity as lost.
EmailAllows you to bulk email opportunity proposals for the selected opportunities. When selected, this option displays the Bulk Email Opportunity Proposal dialog. Completing the required fields and clicking the SEND button sends the emails.
Add/Remove TagsAllows you to add or remove tags from the selected opportunities. When selected, this option displays the Add/Remove Tags dialog. 
RenewThe Renew option is only available if you have the Annual Renewals permission. When selecting this option, you must ensure that none of the opportunities selected using the checkboxes in the search list are work orders. You must only select opportunities having a valid start and end date (not blank) whose duration is 12 months or less. If opportunities are selected that do not conform to the above rules when you click the Renew option, Aspire displays an explanatory message.

Opportunity Screen Visibility

If you have the View Only My Opportunities permission assigned to your user role and you are a Sales RepsOps ManagerAccount Owner, or an Additional User assigned to an opportunity associated with a property, you can access the associated property or opportunity when the View Only My Properties or the View Only My Opportunities permission is assigned to your user role. 

Opportunity Lost Reason search list

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