Device Screen
  • 08 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Device Screen

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Article summary

The Device screen enables you to approve devices for access to the Aspire system. You are also able to view key device identification information(device usage and metadata). Access this screen by clicking on a device listed on the Devices Search List screen.

Device Fields 

The Device fields (shown above) provide general information about the device. Each of the screen elements on the Device screen are described in the following table:

Screen ElementDescription
Device NameName that you provided in the Aspire login screen when they initiated the first login on the device.
Device TypeYou can enter a value here if they wish to keep track of the type of device. Common values might include (iPhone, Windows Desktop Computer, Windows Laptop Computer, Android phone, etc.)
Mobile NumberYou can enter a telephone number for the user responsible for the device.
Activation DateRead-only. This field is automatically updated by Aspire when you activate the device.
Deactivation DateRead-only. This field is automatically updated by Aspire when you deactivate the device.
Last LoginRead-only. This field is automatically updated by Aspire with the date and time whenever a user logs in using the device.
Last User AgentRead-only. This field is automatically updated with identifying information about the user’s browser whenever a user logs in using the device.
Back Icon
Returns to the Devices Search List screen without saving changes. To save changes, click the Save icon before clicking the Back icon.
Save Icon Clicking this icon saves the changes the user has made to the device. Clicking Save leaves them on the Device screen so that they can save periodically while they are entering the device without leaving the screen.
Activate/Deactivate Icon This icon is displayed for devices that have not been activated or deactivated. Toggling the button towards the right activates the device and toggling the button towards the left will deactivate the device.
Delete Icon Not shown in the diagram above. This icon is displayed for devices that have not been activated. Clicking it deletes the device and prevents future activation (until the user re-initiates another activation by entering their credentials, in which case a new device record will be established).

Users Field

The Users field provides a list of the users who have logged in on the selected device. Note that this list only shows individuals with user accounts, so will not include crew members who have logged in with their PIN.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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