- 15 May 2024
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6.19.0 Schedule of Values Enhancements
- Updated on 15 May 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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6.19.0 Schedule of Values Enhancements
Refined service-level logic enhances the Schedule of Values (SOV) functionality, optimizing construction project management and payment tracking. Explore the new enhancements below.
Key improvements:
- SOV Creation: When you select Edit Schedule of Values while viewing an estimate, the SOV automatically includes the estimate's groupings, keeping the names used for groups and services.
- Simplify Identical Services: If the same services don't require individual tracking and share a name, Aspire combines them for a cleaner SOV.
- Smart Organization: Services across different groups are organized to maintain clarity, with unique names or identifiers to prevent mix-ups.
- Flexible SOV Revisions: Save changes to an SOV at any stage, allowing for adjustments before final submission.
- Balanced SOVs for Success: Before finalizing Opportunities and Change Orders, Aspire will verify that the SOV and Estimate match for transition to project execution.
Application Configuration Screen
We’ve added new Application Configuration options to enhance the SOV experience.
- Schedule of Values Display Grouping: Opt for grouping by Estimate Headers or By Service Type to customize your SOV presentation.
- Select Estimate Headers for the SOV to automatically include the estimate's groupings, keeping the names used for groups and services.
- Select By Service Type to ensure services flagged with individual work tickets appear individually on the SOV, ensuring each is easily identifiable. Aspire will add unique identifiers only when necessary.
- Choose to Auto-Save the Master Schedule of Values file as an attachment upon winning the work order to access and export the SOV easily within the Opportunity screen.
Opportunity Screen
The Opportunity screen in Aspire provides access to the Estimate screen for pricing and manages opportunities. The Options drop-down menu, available to users with appropriate permissions, supports new and improved actions like completing the estimate from any place on the Opportunity screen or deleting opportunities and change orders.
Options Menu:
- Estimate Complete: Finalize the estimate from any page on the Opportunity screen.
- Delete Change Order: Remove a change order, with a confirmation box for verification.
Schedule of Values for Change Orders
SOVs for master work orders and change orders are maintained separately but presented unified when invoicing. Change orders can be initiated from the Work Order screen, allowing multiple change order options to be estimated simultaneously. If you drill into the master work order or one of the change orders and select Schedule of Values from the 3-dot menu, you will see the schedule of values for that change order.
From the Status column, you can monitor each change order’s state: Won, Estimating, or Bidding. The 3-dot menu allows you to edit the Schedule of Values specific to each change order.
Schedule of Values Screens
The Master Schedule of Values screen consolidates SOVs for the main work order and its associated change orders. Editing capabilities include adding or deleting line items, renaming groups or items, sorting, moving items between groups, and exporting and printing the Master SOV.
Used for defining SOVs for work orders, the Schedule of Values screen allows modifications based on permission levels. Default SOV settings can be customized, and the screen offers a range of editing capabilities.
New Saving and Exporting Features:
- Saving SOVs: Click Save to store changes at any stage. Aspire ensures the SOV and Estimate match before finalizing.
- Exporting SOVs: Select the Export or Print options to export the Master SOV from the Options menu.
By streamlining SOV creation, tracking, and management, these enhancements offer a more efficient and user-friendly experience for managing construction projects in Aspire.
For more in-depth information on SOVs, see the following articles in the Aspire User Guide:
- Master Schedule of Values Screen
- Schedule of Values Screen
- Editing the Schedule of Values
- Multiple Simultaneous Change Order Estimates
- Schedule of Values for Change Orders